Sunday, February 10, 2008

Minutes of the Meeting (February 8, 2008)

Minutes of The Meeting
( February 8, 2008)
1. Valentines’ Box
-Review on Ms. Lynn’s email regarding the mechanics of the Valentine box.
- Homeroom teachers can ask paint and paint brush from the school aids. Make sure things are returned when borrowed
- The Valentine box must be labeled with grade, teacher and list of students.
-Send out letters to parents regarding this activity and informing them that their
child is required to bring sweets, candies, or anything they wish to share on
this Love Day. All these things must be placed in their assigned box located at the lobby before going to the classroom. Teachers will get their box before the day ends.
2. Accreditation
- Homeroom Teachers must explain the Mission Statement and School wide Learning Goals to the students during their homeroom.
- Inform the students about the Accreditation and its purpose and what is expected of them if we have visitors.
- Classroom set –up must be accessible for the Accreditors.
- Lesson plan must be printed from the grade quick.
- Classroom (House Keeping) if there is a need of new decoration approach Ms. Tatin.
-Teach students to clean their desk.
3. Field trip
- The nursery must be going to Mactan Airport.
-We are also informed that last day of the filed trip in on April.
- Grade two Teachers need to discuss with Ms. Tatin about their filed trip.

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